Learn English with Jokes

1- a silver anniversary n =
a celebration of 25 years of marriage
2- to propose to someone exp
to ask someone to marry you
3- overwhelmed adj=
if you are “overwhelmed” by a feeling,
that feeling is very strong and you don’t
know how to deal with it
4- speeding n=
going faster than the legally permitted
speed limit
5- a driving license n=
a permit to drive a car legally
6- you guys exp you people
7- to get your act together exp=
if you tell someone to «get their act
together», you tell them to be more
8- a librarian n=
a person who works in a library
9- a library n=
a place where you can read or borrow
books (but not buy them)
10- nonchalantly adv=
without worrying about anything; in a
carefree manner
11- to retire vb=
to stop working, often at the age
of 65
12- to come along phr vb=
if something is “coming along” well, it
is progressing well
13- to persuade vb=
if you “persuade” someone to do 
something, you convince them to do 
that thing 
14- to switch to phr vb=
if you “switch to” B, you stop using A
and start using B
15- a Mac n=
a Macintosh computer produced by
the company Apple
16- a PC n=
a personal computer, often one with
Microsoft programs on it
17- rubbish n=
people often use this word to refer to
things they think are false

 During a silver anniversary dinner, a husband says to his wife,“
Do you remember when you proposed to me? I was so  overwhelmed
that I didn’t talk for an hour?” And the wife replies, “Yes, honey, that was
the happiest hour of my life.”

Clever Driver

A police officer stops a man for speeding. “Good evening, sir. Would you
mind showing me your driving license?»And the man replies angrily, “I wish  
you guys could get your act together. Just yesterday you took away my
license, and now you expect me to show it to you.”

Library Visitor

A librarian is asleep at night when she gets a phone call.
 “Hi, are you the woman who works in the library?” asks a stranger.
“Yes,” replies the librarian.
 “How did you get my number?”
“Oh, I found it on a list of numbers in the staff room,” the man
replies nonchalantly.
“What do you want? It’s 3am,” the librarian says angrily.
“What time does the library open?” the man asks.
 “9:00am,” comes the reply.
“Not until 9:00am!” exclaims the man.
“No, not till 09:00am!” the librarian repeats.
 “And what’s the idea of calling me at home in the middle of the night
to ask a question like that?
Why do you want to get in the library before 09:00am anyway?”
And the man says, “Who said I wanted to get in? I need to get out!”

Birds of a Feather

Two friends are talking. “Hey, Mollie, why do
birds fly south for the winter?” And Mollie says,
“Because it’s too far to walk!”

Piano versus Clarinet

John and Julie have just retired. One day, their
daughter, Keira, comes to visit. “Look what your
mum’s bought me,” an excited John says.
 “A new piano. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play it.”
A few weeks later, Keira comes back to visit her parents.
 “Hey, mum, how are dad’s piano classes coming along?”
 she asks. “Oh, we returned the piano,” her mum says.
“I persuaded your dad to switch to the clarinet instead.”
“Why?” Keira asks. “Because he can’t sing with a clarinet!”

Mac versus PC

Two friends are having a conversation.
“Without a doubt, Macs are far superior to PCs,” says Ellie.
“Oh, come on,” argues Megan. “PCs are much better.”
Rubbish!” Says Ellie. “When was the last time you heard of a
virus on a Mac?” she asks And Megan says, “You see. Even the
people who write computer viruses aren’t interested in Macs.”

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